Thursday, February 26, 2009


To love endlessly.
Purpose in wandering the stars
Feeling the burning between my fingertips
The ice within my throat.
To feel eternity wash over me,
Deluging from that vastness that cannot be comprehended.
To be enveloped in love
Like imperceptibility passing through my flesh
Leaving gloom behind for gentle icicle lights.
I wish to scale the pillar of fire
Stand upon its heights like a lone wolf
Howling songs to the Almighty
That He might know the beauty of what He has given,
To let Him feel through my strains.
Then I shall leap off
Into the blackness only to be caught from its clutches,
Caught by the hand with a breath.
I find freedom and captivity within love
Enslaved by ardor,
Reveling in death as a door in the white wall.
Coronas of passion shine from the high glassy seas,
Fear abolished as I tread the heavens alone yet so full of presence.

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